Sunday, March 28, 2010

Is there anyone still here? *crickets*

First of all, let me start by apologizing for my long absence. I'm lame, I know. I also regret to inform you that I haven't beat Super Mario World, nor have I beat left4dead2. On the contrary, I have beat Dantes Inferno, and gotten involved with a little game I'd like to call Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
First off, to cover my failures. Left4Dead2 has not been intriguing for a few reasons. Joe never wants to play with me, because I refuse to play on easy and I stress him out more then the zombies do. The friends I have that would play with me are either busy playing other things, don't have xbox live or don't have internet (this last one astonishes me as well, trust me.) So I'm left to play with the NPC's, which is pretty much being left for dead. I got pulled off the trail by a smoker, and it took my lame ass cohorts over 30 seconds to find me. Unfortunately, I was dead before that, so they didn't actually find me. I was so frustrated, I just shut the xbox off, and that was the last time I played left4dead2. Now, to be fair, I could try to play online with actual people. However, I like to know what I'm doing because normally playing left4dead2 has somewhat of a strategy for success, and if my NPC's let my die in the first run, I don't have that experience. Other then that, I'm shy. Left4dead takes a lot of team communicating, and I just don't like getting yelled at by people I don't know. I do that for a living, I don't like it being part of my gaming experience. And they will yell at me, because I suck. This is an inevitability. So thats my conundrum, and thats why I haven't touched left4dead2 in 2 months.

As for Super Mario World, I got scared off temporarily. I was playing the new Super Mario for the DS, and I only was able to get through to the 2nd world. And it was hard! (thats what she said.) Maybe I just need to return to and finish the original before I move up to bigger and better Marios. Either way, I got really frustrated and haven't touched the DS since, and now Joe has Pokemon so I won't be getting my hands on that for a while. (thats what she said! thats what she said!)

In the good news section we have Dantes Inferno, which was a fucking awesome game. It was a lot of fun, the story was super intriguing, and the graphics were super awesome to my novice eyes. The levels were especially interesting because of how they interpreted the deadly sins and encorporated them into the different levels. Thier interpretations are incredibly graphic, but they break you in right away as the first level you go through is lust. Where as most people might get all hot and bothered by moaning women, and the first boss with the giant rack, I just giggled at the penis like columns and the vagina shaped door openings, cause I'm mature like that. But then, these naked women attack you with snakes coming out of thier whowhos and the boss with the giant rack? her nipples open up and release hundreds of tiny little babies with claw hands and its downright disturbing, but still giggle worthy.
Me: Joe! I just grabbed a snake from this chicks vajayjay and swung her around and killed her!
Joe: That is fucking disgusting.
Me:It's hilarious!
Joe:You are a lesbian.
Me: It's just cool looking...
Joe: thats because you are a lesbian.
Regardless of the content that makes one question ones sexuality, the bosses are fun, the puzzles are challenging but attainable as well with the levels. I only freaked out with my incompetance twice, once when Joe was heckling me to show everyone a move I couldn't do under pressure and once on this crazy circle level I kept getting pushed back to the beginning on. You have the option of being Holy or Unholy, I chose holy but I feel that after I get through Call of Duty I will go back and play through again as Unholy, just because it was a lot of fun and saving people probably isn't as fun as killing them will be. They are, after all, in hell for a reason. I hear that it's a cheap rip off of God of War, and unfortunatly I cannot agree or disagree with that as I have never played God of War. I don't have a playstation either, so I can't play it. I know, I know, I'm the worst gamer ever.
Last but not least in the good updates is that I am playing through the campaign of Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2. Better late then never, I guess. I love playing online, and I'm really not that bad. not good, but not bad. I don't have much to say on it, I don't really get what's going on but I still have fun playing. It's just fun.

I promise I will write more, I know I've been a bad blogger and I hope to rectify this in the near future. My sincere apologies. I'm a typical aries in that I'm good at starting things but not so good with the follow through. Speaking of being an aries, it's my birthday on Thursday! April fools baby. I can make the birthday resolution to blog more. Happy birthday to me.