Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cheese Bridge, Cookie Mountain, and Ludwig's Castle.

I took this photo in Hot Topic when I was in the states and forgot to put it up, but thought it was appropriate for my blog as it is awesome. However, I did not have 58.00 to blow on a tshirt material hoodie, so I took the picture of me wearing it instead.

Joe needed a break from watching me play, so my poor cat Josie decided to take his place by my side during these levels. Worst idea for a small silent animal, like ever. Sometimes, while playing, I get really fed up and fling my arms out to my sides with an exasperated "OH MY GOD!" and normally just hit Joe. This time, however, I may have accidently punched my cat. Like 5 times. And also, maybe scared her half to death a few times with my random outbursts of rage towards my little DS. Needless to say, she has been avoiding me, even when I am not playing the game.
Cheese Bridge was frustrating, with all it's blades and shit, but I actually got through it pretty fast and can proudly say I have no frustrations to share with you that I can remember. I definitely died quite a few times, but it was mostly the usual jumping down holes and running into enemies because of my toe thumbs, nothing out of the ordinary. Cookie Mountain, actually, was not too bad either. The only trouble I encountered was when I went down this tube, struggled to get past this stupid puffer fish only to find out that the tube only took me back in the level, not forward. I could see the rest of the level being a struggle for me, but, as luck would have it, I got a star and finished the level at warp speed. And then there was Ludwig.
Ludwig's castle was what caused me to accidently beat my cat. Spikey balls on chains suck balls. So do Spikey roofs. Together, the two create a vortex of things that suck balls. I spent the majority of my time trying to master the two together and get to the halfway point. Not even the boss, the halfway point. Then come the fences. I kind of enjoyed climbing the fences, because I had to do it so many times, I actually saw myself improve at it. This is a big deal for me because I suck so hard at all the levels, ALL THE TIME. So by the time I actually got to Ludwig the time I beat him, I was feeling pretty good. It took more attempts then usual to kill him, though, and when I finally did beat him, I threw my arms out in triumph and hit my cat again. Honestly, it was not a good day for her.
I can honestly say that I am feeling better about playing after coming to a realization brought to me by none other then Buddah Joe. Through this level, and my cat can vouch, I got a little rage filled. It was not unusual to hear me speaking in tongues and flailing around like a psychotic banshee. So after three nights of this getting progressively worse, Joe finally turned around from his computer and yelled "Stop raging! what is wrong with you!" to which I furiously responded, "I'm playing MARIO, what do you think is wrong with me!?" and this is when the realization came to me that I probably suck so bad because I rage at the game so much. So I toned down the rage and calmed myself, and I can happily report that what I've played so far of the Forest of Illusion is going pretty well. Am I an evolving gamer?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you need an easier game Erin... like peggle.
