Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yoshi's Island

So I may have severely overestimated how long it will actually take me to get through Mario World, as I got through Yoshi's Island last night in 2 hours. However, thats a lot for world 1 isn't it? I've been hearing I should have breezed through it in half an hour, max. Oh well, I beat my first castle, all by myself! Want the run down?
yoshi's island 1: easy peasy, no deaths
yoshi's island 2: lemon squeezy, no deaths.
yoshi's island 3: humiliation begins...
Joe could hardly contain his giggles (manly giggles, very manly giggles) as I died time after time trying to jump on stupid Yoshi after losing him. At one point I jumped over Yoshi and into a hole, only to force Joe to scream, "Erin! you're the worst!EVER!"
However, after finally beating that level, with NO help I might add, I beat the castle with only 1 death at the boss. I thought that was pretty good, no?
As I continue on, I am supposed to remember 2 things (Joe drilled these into my head out of pure frustration I think):
-don't worry about missed coins or missed bad guys (I tend to chase after things, and then die.)
-hold down the B button ALL THE TIME. (this is actually harder for me then you would imagine. See, I have these thumbs, that kind of look like toes, conveniently nicknamed toethumbs...the more I try playing video games that expect too much thumb movement, the more I blame my video game shortcomings on this handicap.)

Before I continue on with Mario World, however, I will be taking a break to play Beatles Rock Band that just came out, because it's awesome. Rockband is one of those games though, that I don't think you'll ever see me writing about on this blog to master, because I'm already pretty good. Not awesome, but I can hold my own. Just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. Well I must say I look forward to hearing more, nothing more interesting then whats going on in a girls head when they are playing video games
