I will make up for my lack of blog by a super hilarious cartoon.
So I've pretty much just been dabbling. I have continued playing Cod:MW2 however I have not finished, as Street Fighter came out and all I see and hear about is how sweet Joe is at Dudley's combos. Other then that, we have been playing Castle Crashers to rejuvenate the relationship, but that still takes a backseat to Street Fighter. So I picked up the DS, but instead of playing MarioWorld like I should, I started playing Pic cross, then Animal Crossing Wild World. Pic cross is just frustrating to the point of being addicting, and animal crossing is the game that I've played before but love so much that I just want to play and play and play even though it is extremely repetitive. So because of this, I don't really have much to report on. As it is summer, and Winnipeg only has like, 4 good months of desirable weather, I don't know how much gaming I will get in. I am planning to pick up Alan Wake as well as Red Dead Redemption so I should get a chance to finish those. As I wrote that, I got the crazy urge to play Borderlands again. hmmm....is definitely the time of year to dabble. game dabbling. I created a term.