Once again, I come with bad news to anyone religiously following me through Super Mario World. I have been extremely distracted. I did end up beating the level that was giving me so much trouble (turns out it was simply a tube I needed to go down on a higher cloudy thingie) but then I got to the castle level and it kicked my ass and I went on hiatus. But I didn't go on hiatus for nothing, Borderlands came out, and I may have gotten a little more sucked into the game then originally anticipated. At first I felt guilty for abandoning the Super Mario but I am still following my blog by playing games to improve my gamer skillz, so there.
If you haven't played Borderlands, you need to. Some people hated the story line, found it too repetitive, but really, it's a first person shooter RPG. It's fun as hell. And honestly, playing co op or split screen kind of makes the game, especially when playing with Joe.
Yup, you read that right. Rather then sitting by and watching me play the vids critically, Joe actually played with me. Not that it really stopped the critcism but it was definitly more fun playing with him then him just telling me how to play.
I played the Berserker, after playing as the siren I felt as if the Beserker was the best choice for me, huge muscle-y men who bash the shit out of things while laughing maniacally is kind of my thing apparently. Joe started as the Siren, but after a while switched to the Berserker as well. He saw the awesomeness that was me, and the potential for the awesomeness we were together. 2 Beserkers equals unstoppable chaos. It also gave him the option, as a huge muscle-y man who bashes the shit out of things, to punch my character in the face randomly to remind me that "I was his bitch." He also enjoyed hitting me with the car we drove around in and driving away when I was trying to get in. A true man I guess, Joe never let me drive.
I won't say much about the storyline because I'm sure people haven't beaten it, and I will give no opinions on how I felt about the end, because I was given some negative views on it and it kind of changed what I was expecting. I will say that Scooter was by far my favourite character and Claptrap suprisingly never got annoying, but in fact made me giggle every time he did his little dance. Enemies were slightly repetitive but it didn't matter really, cause shouting "time to play, TIME TO PLAY!" or "rip the flesh, SALT THE WOUNDS" everytime the psychos ran towards me felt really satisfying for some reason. And, after the game is beaten and you select the 2nd play through (because, lets face it, you want to get some better guns) those bad ass skags you got used to during the first run through turn into bad ass mother skags, and shit gets real again.
So that makes Borderlands officially the second game I have played completely through, the first being Fear 2. So even though I haven't made progress with the Mario, I think that still counts towards improving my gamerskillz, I'm going to have some mad skillz.