Saturday, June 12, 2010

This blog is moving on up...

Well it's more of a lateral move really. I think that I would be a more exciting blogger if I was on tumblr. I have fallen in love with tumblr, it's like my new twitter. So alas, I am moving the gamerscorez there and become more entertaining. faithful readers ( all 4 of them) can find me at
It can only get better there, I figure.
btw, I'm on the last episode of Alan Wake, so I will have something relevent to talk about there :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Too many games, not enough attention span

I will make up for my lack of blog by a super hilarious cartoon.

So I've pretty much just been dabbling. I have continued playing Cod:MW2 however I have not finished, as Street Fighter came out and all I see and hear about is how sweet Joe is at Dudley's combos. Other then that, we have been playing Castle Crashers to rejuvenate the relationship, but that still takes a backseat to Street Fighter. So I picked up the DS, but instead of playing MarioWorld like I should, I started playing Pic cross, then Animal Crossing Wild World. Pic cross is just frustrating to the point of being addicting, and animal crossing is the game that I've played before but love so much that I just want to play and play and play even though it is extremely repetitive. So because of this, I don't really have much to report on. As it is summer, and Winnipeg only has like, 4 good months of desirable weather, I don't know how much gaming I will get in. I am planning to pick up Alan Wake as well as Red Dead Redemption so I should get a chance to finish those. As I wrote that, I got the crazy urge to play Borderlands again. definitely the time of year to dabble. game dabbling. I created a term.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Is there anyone still here? *crickets*

First of all, let me start by apologizing for my long absence. I'm lame, I know. I also regret to inform you that I haven't beat Super Mario World, nor have I beat left4dead2. On the contrary, I have beat Dantes Inferno, and gotten involved with a little game I'd like to call Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
First off, to cover my failures. Left4Dead2 has not been intriguing for a few reasons. Joe never wants to play with me, because I refuse to play on easy and I stress him out more then the zombies do. The friends I have that would play with me are either busy playing other things, don't have xbox live or don't have internet (this last one astonishes me as well, trust me.) So I'm left to play with the NPC's, which is pretty much being left for dead. I got pulled off the trail by a smoker, and it took my lame ass cohorts over 30 seconds to find me. Unfortunately, I was dead before that, so they didn't actually find me. I was so frustrated, I just shut the xbox off, and that was the last time I played left4dead2. Now, to be fair, I could try to play online with actual people. However, I like to know what I'm doing because normally playing left4dead2 has somewhat of a strategy for success, and if my NPC's let my die in the first run, I don't have that experience. Other then that, I'm shy. Left4dead takes a lot of team communicating, and I just don't like getting yelled at by people I don't know. I do that for a living, I don't like it being part of my gaming experience. And they will yell at me, because I suck. This is an inevitability. So thats my conundrum, and thats why I haven't touched left4dead2 in 2 months.

As for Super Mario World, I got scared off temporarily. I was playing the new Super Mario for the DS, and I only was able to get through to the 2nd world. And it was hard! (thats what she said.) Maybe I just need to return to and finish the original before I move up to bigger and better Marios. Either way, I got really frustrated and haven't touched the DS since, and now Joe has Pokemon so I won't be getting my hands on that for a while. (thats what she said! thats what she said!)

In the good news section we have Dantes Inferno, which was a fucking awesome game. It was a lot of fun, the story was super intriguing, and the graphics were super awesome to my novice eyes. The levels were especially interesting because of how they interpreted the deadly sins and encorporated them into the different levels. Thier interpretations are incredibly graphic, but they break you in right away as the first level you go through is lust. Where as most people might get all hot and bothered by moaning women, and the first boss with the giant rack, I just giggled at the penis like columns and the vagina shaped door openings, cause I'm mature like that. But then, these naked women attack you with snakes coming out of thier whowhos and the boss with the giant rack? her nipples open up and release hundreds of tiny little babies with claw hands and its downright disturbing, but still giggle worthy.
Me: Joe! I just grabbed a snake from this chicks vajayjay and swung her around and killed her!
Joe: That is fucking disgusting.
Me:It's hilarious!
Joe:You are a lesbian.
Me: It's just cool looking...
Joe: thats because you are a lesbian.
Regardless of the content that makes one question ones sexuality, the bosses are fun, the puzzles are challenging but attainable as well with the levels. I only freaked out with my incompetance twice, once when Joe was heckling me to show everyone a move I couldn't do under pressure and once on this crazy circle level I kept getting pushed back to the beginning on. You have the option of being Holy or Unholy, I chose holy but I feel that after I get through Call of Duty I will go back and play through again as Unholy, just because it was a lot of fun and saving people probably isn't as fun as killing them will be. They are, after all, in hell for a reason. I hear that it's a cheap rip off of God of War, and unfortunatly I cannot agree or disagree with that as I have never played God of War. I don't have a playstation either, so I can't play it. I know, I know, I'm the worst gamer ever.
Last but not least in the good updates is that I am playing through the campaign of Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2. Better late then never, I guess. I love playing online, and I'm really not that bad. not good, but not bad. I don't have much to say on it, I don't really get what's going on but I still have fun playing. It's just fun.

I promise I will write more, I know I've been a bad blogger and I hope to rectify this in the near future. My sincere apologies. I'm a typical aries in that I'm good at starting things but not so good with the follow through. Speaking of being an aries, it's my birthday on Thursday! April fools baby. I can make the birthday resolution to blog more. Happy birthday to me.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?

Happy New years! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and holiday! I most definitely did, however as a cause of a good Christmas I have developed a bit of ADHD, there is too much to do! As an added complication,Joe received Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2, so he tends to hog the xbox. It has been okay so far as we compromise, but I can tell that this will not be a civil situation for long. I have already been limited to the amount of sets I can play in DJ Hero before he kicks me off, it used to be 3 sets, but now I'm only allowed one set that he chooses before he takes out DJ Hero and puts in the COD. If anyone plays DJ Hero you'd know that some sets only have 2 songs in them, so I am getting the shit end of the stick.Might be just the girlie gamer in me, but DJ Hero is a lot of fun. If you are a fan of the music games it is definitely worth the try. The set lists are really well done so even if you aren't a huge fan of that type of music it's enjoyable. It's also really challenging, maybe just for me because it requires a lot of coordination and I have none, but it makes it that much more satisfying when you get through a mix without losing your shit. It's a nice change from Guitar Hero and Rockband while maintaining that music game feel we all know and love.
Even though DJ Hero is the favourite of my gifts at Christmas I also received Left4Dead2 which is equally as awesome. I haven't gotten a chance to play through more then the first campaign (hence DJ Hero, Joe hogging xbox for COD) but I can already tell that the improvements made from Left4Dead are going to make a HUGE difference. I love that they've added little objectives in the campaigns so it's more then just going from point A to B. That will for sure cut out that unfortunate repetitiveness that the first game suffered from and much more then just killing waves and waves of zombies. And because there still are waves and waves of zombies to fight through, what better way to fight them then with kick ass melee weapons? Joe prefers the cricket bat so far, where as I have a special place in my heart for the chainsaw. Not to mention that there are so many more weapons available throughout the level, it's overwhelming! In a good way of course, because the new classes of super zombies are overwhelming as well. I hate that spitter with a passion, she creeps me out and it never fails that I will get stuck in her zombie acid spit. I can promise you that when I get sick of the DJ Hero and fully immerse myself in some Left4Dead2 action, I will write another blog entry about the full game. I love left4dead so much in the first place, that any improvements made are just that much more exciting.
I also wanted to get into the COD once Joe decides he's had enough of it, but that could be a while. So here are the things I will be working on until my next post, my blog new years resolutions if you will:
-Getting DJ Hero out of my system
-Finishing Left4Dead2
-Start playing COD:Modern Warfare 2 if Joe permits
-pick up Mario World again.
Yes I said it. I think it's maybe time I end my Hiatus and pick up what I started. Super Mario World will prevail.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The hiatus continues.

So I have not yet even contemplated going back to Super Mario World, I know I will finish it eventually, but tis the season for the xbox 360. While I wait until Christmas for the new games of the season (which to anyone reading for Christmas list hints, Left 4 dead 2, CoD:MW2 and DJ Hero...pleeeease) I decided to take on the Gears of War. I thought that Gears was supposed to be a good game. So far it's really frustrating, and the dialog is so lame it blows my mind. Also, by the time Baird spoke 3 words, I wanted to shoot him in the face. I hear he lasts throughout the entire game and that, my friends, is very unfortunate. However, it is crazy action packed and no matter how frustrated I get, I still want to keep playing it.
I'm playing online with my BFF Jay, and it's pretty fun. I'm sure I frustrate him as much as the game does, because the controls are a little hard to get used to and I keep messing up. I run into stuff and get stuck, I forget what button picks up things, and sometimes I think the chainsaw is running when it's not and end up throwing myself at the enemy like a suicide mission. I don't like not having a jump button, and sometimes when I press A to run I end up throwing myself against something for cover. So of course, as I'm struggling to get through the level without dying or getting stuck to something, I become completely useless when he goes down.
"Erin! I'm down I'm down!"
"where are you?"
"Right in front of you! I'm right here!"
"Where I can't find you"
"follow your arrow!"
"Hold on I'm stuck against a wall..."
"I'm bleeding out..."
"okay I'm unstuck! I'm unstuck! where are you?"
"you just...ran past me..."
I'd like to say this conversation only happened once, but it was sort of a common occurrence. Joe has taken to watching me play, as it is harder to look away from the tv then it is to look away from the DS, and was totally aghast by my playing abilities, once again.
"Hey Erin. God called, he wants to say he's sorry for making you suck so bad..."
At least I'm playing something that I can get better at, hopefully see some improvement and go from noob to pro. I better, or Jay will probably stop playing with me, he can't though I don't think, as my BFF he has to play stuff with me no matter how bad I am. I'm not willing to test that theory tho...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Catch a riiiide...

Once again, I come with bad news to anyone religiously following me through Super Mario World. I have been extremely distracted. I did end up beating the level that was giving me so much trouble (turns out it was simply a tube I needed to go down on a higher cloudy thingie) but then I got to the castle level and it kicked my ass and I went on hiatus. But I didn't go on hiatus for nothing, Borderlands came out, and I may have gotten a little more sucked into the game then originally anticipated. At first I felt guilty for abandoning the Super Mario but I am still following my blog by playing games to improve my gamer skillz, so there.

If you haven't played Borderlands, you need to. Some people hated the story line, found it too repetitive, but really, it's a first person shooter RPG. It's fun as hell. And honestly, playing co op or split screen kind of makes the game, especially when playing with Joe.

Yup, you read that right. Rather then sitting by and watching me play the vids critically, Joe actually played with me. Not that it really stopped the critcism but it was definitly more fun playing with him then him just telling me how to play.

I played the Berserker, after playing as the siren I felt as if the Beserker was the best choice for me, huge muscle-y men who bash the shit out of things while laughing maniacally is kind of my thing apparently. Joe started as the Siren, but after a while switched to the Berserker as well. He saw the awesomeness that was me, and the potential for the awesomeness we were together. 2 Beserkers equals unstoppable chaos. It also gave him the option, as a huge muscle-y man who bashes the shit out of things, to punch my character in the face randomly to remind me that "I was his bitch." He also enjoyed hitting me with the car we drove around in and driving away when I was trying to get in. A true man I guess, Joe never let me drive.

I won't say much about the storyline because I'm sure people haven't beaten it, and I will give no opinions on how I felt about the end, because I was given some negative views on it and it kind of changed what I was expecting. I will say that Scooter was by far my favourite character and Claptrap suprisingly never got annoying, but in fact made me giggle every time he did his little dance. Enemies were slightly repetitive but it didn't matter really, cause shouting "time to play, TIME TO PLAY!" or "rip the flesh, SALT THE WOUNDS" everytime the psychos ran towards me felt really satisfying for some reason. And, after the game is beaten and you select the 2nd play through (because, lets face it, you want to get some better guns) those bad ass skags you got used to during the first run through turn into bad ass mother skags, and shit gets real again.

So that makes Borderlands officially the second game I have played completely through, the first being Fear 2. So even though I haven't made progress with the Mario, I think that still counts towards improving my gamerskillz, I'm going to have some mad skillz.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Forest of Illusion.

My apologies for the length of time between posts, and my apologies again when I tell you that I haven't even finished the forest of illusion. The wait for this post was caused by my preoccupation with World of Warcraft (shameful I know) and then my complete new found obsession with Borderlands. BTW, Borderlands is so awesome, everyone should play it. I found a purple (which apparently means epic) gun that Joe is so jealous of, it makes it ten times better to play the game. Anyways, added to this, when I went to complete the last level of the forest , it looped my back to the pond level, and I can't, for the love of god and all that is holy, cannot find the correct way through it.Until now, I was planning on writing a blog bragging about my vast improvements at Mario as I was breezing through the levels like a bat outta hell. I thought I was the greatest pimp to ever pimp. I was dodging plants, actually keeping yoshi past the halfway point instead of losing him right away, and dying less often. When I finished the pond level, I had accidentally aggro'd every little puffer fish and had a dramatic chase to the finish. I ended up yelling, "take that! stupid horde of puffer fish!!" in which Joe responded I was too cocky. And I was, cause once again it all went downhill from there.The level that I thought was just another level but is actually a tricky level, a level of illusion if you will, took me a while to beat in the first place. Those dudes on they're clouds with their tricky dangling 1 ups proved to be too tempting for me to just leave alone. Even when I learned my lesson and did avoid that little mushroom I'd still accidentally jump into it at some point and then get fireballs thrown at me and die. So when I finally beat the level, you can imagine my horror as I watched the path lead back 2 levels instead of forward.
"What? Why did it do that??" I whined at Joe, to which he responded, "because there is a secret way to beat the level to proceed."
"but why? WHY??"
"Because it's called the forest of illusion, brainiac."
"Can you tell me how to do it?"
"Nope. that would be controversial to your blog."
"I'll still play, you just need to tell me where to go..."
"nope. I can't remember how to beat it anyways."
And that was that. He totally knows how to beat it too...he's just jealous of my sweet ass shotgun in Borderlands (omg so awesome). So I turn to you. World 5, Forest of Illusion 4: how the hell do I beat it?? I might not be trying hard enough, but I need some hints in the right direction! PLEASE! You don't need a blogspot account to add a comment, you can comment anonymously also, so just comment it up and tell me how to get through this.
The fate of this blog and my sanity is left in your hands.